About SciComp
SciComp is a leading provider of scientific computing solutions to the financial markets. Driven by customer needs in a constantly evolving marketplace, SciComp provides unique software solutions, products, expertise, and support services for the pricing and risk management of derivative instruments.
Be it our custom developed pricing models, SciFinance, our in-house model development technology or a derivatives asset or risk management solution, SciComp customers enjoy the business advantage of reduced development time and cost of bringing new financial products to the market; an immediate and measurable contribution to the bottom line.
Our customers rely on the expertise of our staff, our state of the art modeling methods, our patented technology, and our rapid response to changing market conditions to enhance their businesses.
SciComp and its development partners are pioneering leaders in the development and advancement of these technologies:
- Software synthesis engines (software that writes software)
- High-level programming languages
- Robust, state-of-the-art algorithms and the latest financial instruments
- GPU-enabled pricing models and risk system components
- Integration efficiency tools